Over time incorrect cleaning, exposure to high temperatures along with food and drink spills cause granite to turn dark. Not cleaning highly staining items such as coffee and oil will cause granite to discolor. If you’re using the incorrect cleaners such as high pH cleaner, it will cause darkness.

A common belief is that granite never stains. Actually, granite can stain. It can also discolour. And it can turn dark over time. This process can be slow and can happen under people’s noses without them realising. So, it can be difficult to figure out why. If you’ve recently noticed your granite countertop is turning down, we’re going to tell you some of the most common reasons why.

The first thing to know is that while granite lives up to the hype of being a tough and durable natural stone, it’s far from invincible. Unlike some other surfaces, granite is porous and requires sealant. Being porous means liquids, chemicals, and substances can seep into the stone.

This can cause stains, discolouration, and the dark colour you may be seeing. Food and beverage spills, especially oily and greasy substances, can seep into the stone and cause stains and discolouration. Also, if you ever use your granite countertop worktop, hair dyes, paint, and other substances can easily stain and discolour your countertop.

And it’s normal for granite to change shades and often darken if it’s not regularly and properly cleaned. Over time, chemicals from the smoke from cooking and spills that are allowed to dry will discolour the surface.

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How do you fix dark granite discolouration?

Dark discolouration on granite is usually caused by either organic stains such as coffee and tea or oil-based stains. Over time, granite can darken, especially if not cleaned regularly. Try a hydrogen peroxide and baking soda mix for organic stains and isopropyl alcohol for oil-based stains.

However, this is to get rid of the initial darkness, for the long term, use a specifically designed granite countertop cleaner.

After all, you’ve spent a lot of money on the counter, so you need to get the correct cleaner.

There are easy simple solutions to fix dark discolouration and return your granite countertop to its former glory. However, there are slight variations in the method which depend on what caused the stain. 

Organic stains that have darkened your granite countertop from regular spills from things like coffee, tea, or mustard, can easily be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda.

Simply mix 1-2 tbsp of baking soda in a small glass of warm water and add a drop or two of hydrogen peroxide. Stir and use a soft clean microfiber cloth to scrub the dark discolouration and remove it right out of the granite countertop.

For oil-based stains or tougher discolourations, you can try isopropyl alcohol. All you need is a small amount of isopropyl alcohol on a soft clean microfibre cloth. Rub the discolouration in gentle circular motions for about 15 seconds. You can repeat this process a few times if required.

After you’ve removed the stain, make sure to reseal your countertop to prevent it from further stains.

What Cleaners Can I Use on My Granite Countertops?

Dark spot on granite around sink

Dark spots on granite around the sink are often caused by either mould or hard water stains. This is a common issue, but easy to fix. For mould, use a hydrogen peroxide mix. For hard water stains, the gentle abrasive baking soda is safe and effective enough to remove the dark spots.

Dark spots around the sink due to mould.

One of the most common reasons why you have dark spots around your sink on your granite countertop is because of mould. Because you’re naturally using water in and around the sink often, splashes of water or soapy water that gets on your granite around your sink can become mould.

This happens when water is left to evaporate. On natural stones like granite, it can grow fast. This is why it’s important to clean and dry any water splashes or spillages as soon as they occur. 

Luckily, mould can be quickly and easily cleaned up. And it’s important to do so as fast as you can because mould spores can be hazardous to health, particularly for people with asthma. To break down and clean up any mould around your sink, try a mix of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle.

All you need is a cup of warm water and two drops of hydrogen peroxide. Spray this mix onto the mould and scrub the mould with a clean damp microfiber cloth. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water. 

Dark spots around the sink due to hard water.

Hard water is another common cause of dark spots on granite around the sink. Less dangerous than mould, but just as unsightly. Naturally, people in hard water areas are more prone to hard water stains. Hard water stains are usually dark and can even turn crusty from the high level of mineral deposits. 

To remove hard water stains from around your sink, you can use a simple safe and effective mixture of water and baking soda. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive and one of the go-to cleaning methods for granite. Mix one-part warm water with one-part baking soda to form a paste.

Leave plenty of paste on top of the hard water stains for up to fifteen minutes before scrubbing away. Rinse the area with clean water to remove any residue. This should leave you with a sparkling clean sink.