Use a plastic scraper to remove any excess wax from the granite. Then place a towel on the wax and got over it with an iron, when the wax melts, wipe as much wax off the counter as you can. Next, use a granite cleaner to remove the wax and reseal the granite.
Keep reading this guide for more methods on how to remove wax from granite countertops.
Granite is famed for its durability and its low-level maintenance. Buy a granite countertop, and you won’t have to clean and scrub it every waking moment. But, granite does have some weaknesses. Wax is one of them. Unlike some other natural stone countertops such as quartz, granite is porous.
Porous stone means it can be penetrated by various liquids, chemicals, and substances. And, because the wax is oil-based, spilling or having wax drip on your granite countertop, say from a candle, can mean it may seep into the granite stone and cause deep stains.
If wax ever gets onto your granite countertop, you should clean it off immediately to avoid permanent stains. In case you like candlelit dinners or have wax already sitting on your granite countertop, here’s a step-by-step guide to removing wax from granite countertops.
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1. Soap and water
First, and if it’s a new wax spill that hasn’t settled yet, try using regular soap and water. Mix a solution of warm clean water with mild soap and soak the spill or drips of wax with a soft clean microfibre cloth and the soap water mix. Rub the area and rinse away any soapy residue with clean water.
2. The ice cube method
Place ice cubes in a bag over the hardened wax for 5 minutes. Remove the ice and use a plastic scraper to chip away the wax. You can repeat this until all the wax is removed from the surface.
Do not use an object that is particularly abrasive or sharp as this could damage your granite countertop. If you find there is discolouration or stain left over after the hardened wax has been removed, move on to the 3rd cleaner.
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3. Commercial cleaner
For discoloration and stains left by hardened wax, you can try a commercial cleaner specifically made for granite. Spritz the spray over the oily residue and use a soft clean microfiber cloth to gently rub the spill in circular motions. The cleaner should pick up the oily residue.
After the wax has been removed, use a sealer to prevent permanent staining.
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Precautions when cleaning wax off a granite countertop
Precautions you should take when cleaning wax off granite countertops include never using hot water or strong chemicals, removing jewellery before cleaning, and removing any burning candles from the area. It’s best to take these precautions to prevent damage to your granite and for your safety.
Because wax can prove a particularly difficult substance to remove properly from granite countertops, there are some precautions you should take. While granite is strong, durable, and can withstand a lot, it’s not invincible. It was also expensive. So, of course, you want to protect your investment.
Since there are several methods for cleaning wax off the granite, which may include other methods than outlined here, we’ve noted some necessary precautions you should take when cleaning wax off your granite countertops.
First, never use hot water or strong chemicals to clean the wax off your granite countertops because they may cause permanent damage, discolouration, or stains. Before cleaning, make sure you remove any jewelry, such as rings, earrings, bracelets, etc. Depending on how much the wax has dried, jewelry could get stuck between the wax and the granite, which could scratch, damage, or tarnish both your jewelry and the granite.
Lastly, if the wax has come from a candle, which will be the case in most circumstances involving wax on granite, make sure to blow it out and remove it from the area. You don’t need any more wax dripping on the surface. Also, since you’ll be working close to the surface to remove the wax, the fumes from a burning candle could irritate both your lungs and skin.
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How to prevent candle wax from falling on your countertop
You can prevent candle wax from falling onto your countertop by freezing your candles before use, dipping them in a saltwater solution, or using drip-proof candleholders. Freezing candles and dipping them in saltwater prevent them from dripping as much and drip-proof candleholders catch the drips.
Candle wax will be the most common cause of wax coming into contact with countertops. People like candles, especially for romantic dinners. But, by their very nature, the heat from the candle will melt the wax and if the proper precautions aren’t taken, it can drip on your countertops. As with most things, prevention is the best cure. So, here are some ways you can prevent candle wax from falling on your countertop.
Try freezing your candles before use. This little trick can help your candle burn bright without the mess for up to two times longer than if you hadn’t put it in the freezer.
You can also try a saltwater solution. You can make your candle essentially dripless by soaking it in saltwater. Dissolve a pinch of saltwater in some warm water. Then, submerge any candles you wish to use for a few hours before taking them out and leaving them to dry. The next time you use them, you’ll find nowhere near as much wax drips from the candles.
You should also think about trying drip-proof candleholders. As the name suggests, they help prevent drips of candle wax from touching surfaces below. These decorative candle holders can easily be found online or in craft and homeware stores. There are also some hacks for this, such as placing your candle on a small saucer or placing a bunch of rubber bands around the bottom of the candles.