Do You Need to Reinforce Floors for Quartz Countertops?

You may need to reinforce your floors for quartz countertops, depending on the size and thickness of the quartz and your floor. Quartz weighs between 20-25 pounds per square foot, which means it’s very heavy. A professional engineer can tell you if your floors need reinforcing. Quartz countertops are increasingly popular because of their durability, […]

Can I Cut on My Countertop Without Scratching it?

In this post, we’ll be going over which countertops you can cut/chop on and ones you can chop on. So, let’s jump into this. Can you cut on butcher block countertops? Yes, you can cut on butcher block countertops. Butcher block countertops are the only countertops that are made to be cut on and used […]

3 Best Adhesive for Quartz Countertops to Wood & Metal

Are you looking for the best adhesive for your quartz countertop for wood and metal? Are you looking to fix a chip and make it look non-apparent? Well, you’ve come to the right place, because we’ll be going over exactly that in this post. So let’s get straight into it! Silicone adhesive Silicone adhesive is […]

How to Remove Yellow Stain on Quartz Countertop

Are your beautiful white quartz countertop suffering from yellow stains? Well, you’ve come to the right place because in this post, we’ll be revealing why your quartz has yellowed and how to fix it. Why is there yellow staining on my quartz? Although quartz is tough and resistant to stains, it is not stain-proof. Yellow […]

How to Remove Turmeric Stain on Quartz Countertop

First, add one part of baking soda to one part water into a bowl and mix until you have a paste to cover the size of the stain. Next, apply the paste to the countertop, covering the entire stain. Leave to sit for 15 minutes and wipe the surface with a cloth. Read on further […]

Quartz Countertop Looks Cloudy | 6 Causes & Fixes

Quartz countertops can look cloudy for a variety of reasons like sun exposure, using the wrong cleaners, water stains, and extreme heat are common reasons. Sometimes, cloudy marks can even be a defect in manufacturing.  Why is my quartz countertop cloudy? 1. Defects in the manufacturing Sometimes, though it should never happen, weird blemishes or […]

How to Remove Limescale from Quartz Countertops Quickly

There are many quick, safe, and effective methods for removing limescale from quartz countertops. Luckily, limescale is easy to remove from quartz countertops because they are superficial stains. Baking soda, specialised cleaners, and steel wool are all effective methods of removing limescale. Baking soda Baking soda is great for just about every type of stain, […]

How Much Weight Can My Quartz Countertop Hold?

A quartz countertop will be able to hold up to 1,000 pounds of weight. Quartz weighs 20-25 lbs per square foot, and countertops made from it are thick. This density helps the countertops withstand and hold a lot of weight. Quartz is an extremely strong and durable natural stone. It’s even stronger than granite. Because […]

How to Remove Coffee Stains on Quartz Countertop Quickly

In this post, we’ll be going over various methods on how to quickly and easily cleanup coffee stains on your quartz countertop. How to remove coffee stain from quartz countertop Coffee stains can be removed in most cases. Generally, the sooner a coffee spill is cleaned up, the less likely it is to cause a […]

Can You Use Ammonia on Quartz Countertops? Answered

No, you should not use ammonia on quartz countertops. Ammonia-based cleaners can damage quartz countertops by breaking down the bonds. This can cause discolouration, damage the counter, and make it easier to stain the counter. There are better alternatives for cleaning, such as water and mild soap. While some other natural stone countertops can take […]