Are Haier reliable refrigerators?

Haier fridges are known to be reliable and efficient. They come with many technical features to help preserve food and food quality for as long as possible and many storage options. However, they aren’t very energy efficient compared to other brands. 

How long does a Haier fridge last?

Haier fridges have an average fridge lifespan of 10 to 20 years. Like any appliance, how you take care of it matters too. Please keep it clean, treat it nice, and follow any maintenance guidelines that come with your fridge. 

This will keep it in tip-top shape and running smoothly for as long as possible. 

Energy rating

Energy ratings are important factors to consider when considering fridges. 

Depending on the rating, it can affect your monthly bills. 

The more energy efficient a fridge is, the more money it can save you. Energy-efficient appliances also help the environment as they produce fewer greenhouse gases, which deplete the ozone layer, among other things. 

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A scale is used to determine how energy efficient a fridge is. It’s a letter scale A-G. A is the most energy-efficient, and G is the least energy-efficient. 

A fridge’s kWh, or kilowatt-hour, is the main thing that determines where it falls on the scale. A kilowatt-hour is the amount of energy a fridge consumes in an hour. 

Haier fridges are typically an E or F rating. Although, there are a few D ratings. E and F are on the lower end of the scale, so they’re not very energy efficient. With Haier only having a few energy-saving options, better brands are out there for energy efficiency. 

Included features 

Below is a list of features that you can get with a Haier fridge.


Haier fridges feature all the popular styles on the market.

Slim American-Style Fridge Freezers

Features side-by-side fridge doors and separate middle and lower freezer pull-out drawers. 

Some variations don’t have side-by-side fridge doors and just a single door. 

Multi-Door Fridge Freezers

Features top side-by-side fridge doors and bottom side-by-side freezer doors.

American Side-By-Side Fridge Freezers

Features a fridge on the right and a freezer on the left side. 

Classic Layout

With this, they have the classic top fridge and bottom freezer layout.

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Storage space

Haier fridges have good storage options. They have different storage compartments inside the fridge suited for different things. 

They also have fridges that come in various heights and widths to suit your space and storage needs. Fridge widths range from 54 cm to 119 cm, and fridge heights range from 178 cm to 201 cm.


Haier fridges range in price from £649 to £2,799. Although they have lower-priced options, they don’t have the lowest-priced options in the industry. 

So, if budget is your number one priority, this brand is probably not the one for you. 

The cheaper fridges are ones without side-by-side doors. You may find a cheaper one with a fridge, two separate freezer pull-outs, and a water or ice dispenser. 

The more expensive options are 4-door fridge freezers with a convertible fridge/freezer compartment. They’ll have an ice and water dispenser with many innovative technological features to optimize their performance. 

What do customers say about Haier fridges?

Overall, reviews tend to be three stars and above. 

What customers liked: Storage space and freezer drawers. The quietness of the fridge and the modern look.

What customers didn’t like: Inadequate customer service and normal product malfunctions here and there. 

Consensus: Haier fridges have abundant storage and helpful features, but if something malfunctions, you might have a hard time getting it fixed. 

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