Oil stains can be removed using the right cleaning methods from quartz countertops. Oil stains can leave unsightly discolouration on quartz countertops, but several methods can draw and pull out even the deepest set of oil stains. We go over 3 such methods.

If one method does not work, move on to the next and without a doubt, you’ll have that pesky oil stain out of your quartz countertop.

1. Use STONETECH Oil Stain Remover

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The Stonetech oil stain remover is an easy-to-use and ready-to-use solution that can remove deep-set oil residues from your quartz countertop. It draws the oil out and removes them without leaving any residue. It’s ready to use and comes in a tin and only needs to be stirred before it’s applied.

Using this stain remover to remove oil from your quartz countertop can save you a lot of money in restoration or refurbishment fees. 

How to use:

  1. Use a spatula to spread the past on the effected area, it should be a quater inch thick. Make sure to spread the paste a little further beyond the effected area.
  2. Let the paste sit for 48 hours.
  3. Scrape the paste off. If there’s still some oil left, repeat step 1 and 2.

2. Using rubbing alcohol or acetone

Rubbing alcohol and acetone are two tried-and-true methods for removing tough grease stains from quartz countertops. And they’re both powerful, safe, and effective methods to use on quartz materials. Both these cleaning methods can pull and draw out deeply inset oil from quartz countertops. 

Apply rubbing alcohol or acetone to the grease blotch and surrounding area and rub the effected area with a clean damp cloth for about 15 seconds.

Then, rinse the effected area with mild soapy warm water or a cleaner specifically designed for quartz. And then pat dry. If the oil was not completely or only partially removed, you can try a second time to draw more of the staining out.

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3. Baking soda paste

You can also try a baking soda paste to remove oil and its discoloration from your quartz countertop. Baking soda is a gentle abrasive that’s safe, effective, and inexpensive. Plus, you likely already have some in your home. 

To make and use a baking soda paste, simply mix 1 part baking soda and 1 part water until you’ve created enough paste to cover the oil . Apply this paste and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes and work its magic.

Then, wipe away the paste, and wash the area with clean water. Pat dry. Because this is a gentle cleaning solution, you can use this method more than once if the oil blemish wasn’t completely removed the first time.

Best Cleaners for Quartz Countertops | Kitchen & Bathroom

What negative effects do oil stains have on your counter?

Ruin the appearance

Starting with the most obvious one, oil stains are an eye sore. You’re looking down your worktop, seeing everything appear silky smooth and then suddenly see that nasty oil smudge. It completely ruins the sleek look of the counter and kitchen in general.


The next thing after ruining the appearance, the grease will leave a sticky residue. When oil just sits there and begins to dry, it will leave the surface feeling sticky and unpleasent.

Darken the counter

If you decide to do nothing about the oil stain, it could seep into the counter and cause it to darken. This will also mean the counter will need resealing. Don’t ruin your expensive quartz counters by letting spills just sit there, clean them as soon as you can.

After all, you paid a lot of money, so you might as well make the worktops last as long as possible. Not to mention, quartz counters add value to your home.

How to prevent oil stains on your quartz countertop

Now you know exactly how to remove oils stains from your quartz countertop, this section is all about keeping it oil free and preventing you from having to pull those grease blotches out.

Use an oil splatter guard

When you pull that cold chicken breast out of the fridge and place it in the grill where you’ve got hot oil, it’s going to splatter. No doubt. An oil guard is a super easy way to prevent oil splatter from getting on your expensive counters. Along with preventing hot oil from shooting at you.

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Clean oil spill straight away

The longer the oils sits on the surface, the harder it will be to clean. When you have oil spills, you can use a tea towel or soft cloth to wipe it off. Instead of warm soap and water, I would highly, highly recommend going for a specific cleaner designed for quartz.

Soap and water can eventually discolor the counter as the soap residue will build over time.


So that’s how to get oils stain out of a quartz countertop. It’s how you prevent oil staining and why should should clean up the grease straight away.

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