Are kitchen tiles heat resistant? Yes, kitchen tiles can be heat resistant such as porcelain tiles. However, other tiles are not heat resistant such as ceramic tiles. Even though some are heat resistant, they’re not heat proof and will crack when under enough heat.

Which kitchen wall tiles are heat resistant?


Ceramic tiles are often used around areas in kitchens where heat is present. While they are heat resistant they are not heatproof. Ceramic is created by firing clay within a kiln, then glazed with a color or design.

Because of the porous nature of the material, it can be damaged and cracked relatively easily. Prolonged exposure to high heat, can alter the appearance of the tiles and also cause discoloration. 


Porcelain tiles are great for heat resistance. Porcelain tiles do not easily transfer heat to neighboring areas. Porcelain is a strong and dense material due to how they are manufactured.

Although these tiles may be heat resistant they are not fireproof. Ensure that direct contact the tiles receive is not excessive.  

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Glass is a non-permeable material and is highly suitable for areas in your home where heat is consistently present. Glass is heat and fire-resistant and is, therefore, one of the best options for your kitchen.

They are also resistant to temperature changes and are much less likely to succumb to damage from sudden heat.  


Cement is the strongest material on this list. Due to its more common use as a commercial material, it is made to withstand extreme temperatures. Cement is not completely heat resistant due to its porous nature, it can crack over time if exposed to high heat. It is not recommended to place hot items such as fry pans directly onto the surface.


Natural stones are used because they provide a sense of luxury to the home. Stone materials like granite or marble are heat resistant but not heatproof. They can be known to crack internally due to dramatic temperature changes.

Some are highly resistant while others are not, so keep this in mind when choosing tiles for your kitchen.