Are Whirlpool Reliable Refrigerators?

Whirlpool refrigerators are mostly reliable. While they tend to be more reliable than not, they do have a track record of appliance malfunctions. However, they offer affordable prices on fridges with some high-end features and convenient storage options.

How Long Does A Whirlpool Fridge Last?

Whirlpool refrigerators typically last around 12 years. Be sure to keep up with regular maintenance and cleaning. This will ensure it stays running smoothly for longer.

Energy Rating

Energy ratings are an important factor to consider when choosing an appliance, especially refrigerators. Because refrigerators are running 24/7, they have a greater impact on monthly electrical bills than other appliances. 

Making sure your fridge is energy-efficient is a good way to minimize costs. Energy-efficient appliances are also good for the environment as they produce fewer greenhouse gases. 

An Energy Efficiency Rating determines how energy efficient a fridge is. Ratings are on a scale from A-G. A is the most energy-efficient, and G is the least energy-efficient. 

Most Whirlpool refrigerators have a rating of F, with a few options containing A, D, or E ratings. F is, unfortunately, a pretty average rating for refrigerators. 

Although they have some fridges with higher ratings, the options for those are minimal with little variety. If you’re looking for energy efficiency, I wouldn’t look here. 

Included Features

Below is a list of features you can get with a Whirlpool refrigerator.

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Whirlpool has all the common fridge styles one might look for

Features a two-door fridge above a two-door freezer. 

One half of the unit is a fridge, and the other half is a freezer with separate doors.

Single-door fridge with a single-door freezer above it.

Single-door fridge with a single-door freezer below it. 

A one-door fridge with no freezer.

Whirlpool refrigerators come in black, grey, and white.

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Storage Space

Whirlpool carries convenient and precise storage options like various temperature and humidity-controlled compartments and drawers. Retractable, adjustable shelves, and more. 

Widths vary from 550 mm to 909 mm, heights vary from 1,400 mm to 2027 mm, and depths vary from 545 mm to 716 mm. So you’re likely to find one that will fit your space. 

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Whirlpool refrigerators range in price from £269 to £2,699. The smaller, bottom, and top freezer fridges are the cheapest. 

You can get a bottom freezer refrigerator with many innovative technologies and a control panel for under £700. You won’t be able to get a water or ice dispenser, though. 

The french door style is the most expensive and usually comes with ice and water dispensers and a larger capacity.

What Do Customers Say About Whirlpool Fridges?

Most Whirlpool refrigerator reviews are 4 stars, but they also have quite a few 1-star reviews.

What customers liked: Convenient storage and functionality, long-lasting and reliable.

What customers didn’t like: Compressors failing, leaks, cooling and freezing problems, and customer service. 

There were mostly 4-star reviews, but there were also many 1-stars. Keep that in mind.